2 Day Experiential Workshop

EFT and Ancestral Healing/ Generational Trauma

 Instructor: Mirjam Paninski, EFT TRN 1-2 (read Mirjam's Bio here)

PRE REQUISITE: You must have a good understanding of EFT/Tapping, ideally a certified practitioner and be willing to practice with other practitioners and practitioners in training. 

VIRTUAL ONLY: This workshop will be presented live online only.
Start Time: 7:00am PT / 10:00am ET / 4:00pm CET
End Time: 1:30pm PT / 4:30pm ET / 10:30pm CET

Time until the training starts:

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Do you feel like you have been stuck with a pattern, an issue, a fear you cannot quite access?

You feel blocked, isolated, numbed, frozen. It doesn’t make sense and may not even feel like it’s yours?

Well, it’s quite possible it actually isn’t!

The latest research affirms that trauma, limiting beliefs, thoughts, emotions, patterns, are passed on through at least three generations. And its also been affirmed that this emotional inheritance can have a significant impact on our psychological and physical well-being.

It is now your time to change the circuitry in your brain, reproducing the traumatic sequence of your ancestry, and change your gene expression.

EFT has proven to be the most beneficial tool to access those subconscious imprints and transform them. EFT is allowing us to combine clinically proven techniques with the spiritual wisdom gathered for thousands of years.

In this workshop, you will be taught the tools you need to break through this block and live the legacy YOU choose.

You can do this and it will matter. The world needs you to show up with your highest potential. I’ll see you soon.

Renewal/Recertification for EFTUniverse Students: If you want this to count for EFTUniverse’s Practitioner Renewal, you are in luck! This fulfills your bi-annual requirement. Use the renewal code sent from [email protected]


  • Are you called to combine evidence based EFT, epigenetics with ancient knowledge of how generational trauma can be passed along and resolved?
  • Do you or your clients feel blocked by something you feel like you can’t quite access or feel like it this blockage may not even be yours/theirs?
  • Are you looking for strategies and ways to integrate and introduce EFT for Ancestral Healing in your private practice?

Who: This live virtual training is for practitioners, healers of all kinds, therapists or educators who want to use evidence-based EFT with the next generation.

The Modules will include:
  • Science behind epigenetic, ancestral, and generational trauma
  • How to introduce this work to different populations
  • How to recognize ancestral trauma
  • Generating a Genogram
  • Recognizing the inner protectors and how to clear resistance to clearing generational trauma
  • EFT Techniques to use for ancestral healing
  • Inner child work and reparenting wounded parts
  • One-on-one session demonstrations and practice sessions
  • Ancestral healing for groups
  • Group tapping experiences

395.00 USD

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